MEDIA ALERT 2024-04-03

Tune-In on April 9 to the Developer Gameplay Preview of Destiny 2: The Final Shape

Destiny 2: Into the Light, available to all players, also launches on April 9

Today, Bungie announced its Developer Gameplay Preview for Destiny 2: The Final Shape, which will stream on April 9 at 9:30 am PT on all its regional Twitch channels and its YouTube account. Viewers should look forward to hearing more information about the upcoming expansion, including a behind-the-scenes look at new gameplay reveals. In The Final Shape, Guardians will pursue the Witness into the Pale Heart of the Traveler, rally the Vanguard, and seek to end the War of Light and Darkness. 

Separately, today was the final live stream of a three-part series highlighting Destiny 2: Into the Light, the new two-month content update releasing next Tuesday, April 9. Each gameplay stream revealed new content, including the new wave-based Onslaught mode, returning fan-favorite weapons with limited-edition ornaments, the new Hall of Champions social space, two reprised Exotic Missions with new secrets, and more. Preparing Guardians for the upcoming confrontation with the Witness, Destiny 2: Into the Light will be available to all players at no additional cost.

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For more information, please contact:
Isabell Rydén
+46 730739619

Mi5 Communications | Stigbergsliden 5 | 414 63 Gothenburg | Sweden 






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