MEDIA ALERT 2023-09-01

Confront the Hive Prince in Destiny’s Reprised Raid, Crota’s End

Guardians can compete for the World’s First title with Contest Mode enabled


Today at 10 AM PT, Bungie will re-release the classic Crota’s End raid from the original Destiny, updated for Destiny 2 and open to all players. Fireteams can once again face Crota, son of the Taken King, who waits to be challenged in the Hellmouth on Earth’s moon.

Alongside the raid launch, Bungie is teaming up with Twitch Rivals for the Crota’s End World First race. Twitch Drops will be enabled, granting viewers of the raid race a unique emblem if they watch Twitch Rivals or partnered streamers for at least two hours, which they can tune into here.

Fireteams competing in the World First race will need to keep the following in mind: 

  • Contest Mode will be enabled for 48 hours 

  • Guardians will need to be at least Power Level 1790 for all encounters 

  • Clearing the raid with Contest Mode active is how a fireteam unlocks Challenge Mode in the Director and the Superior Swordplay Triumph, which is a curated list of challenges that can only be completed in Challenge Mode 

  • Completing the Superior Swordplay Triumph will be how a fireteam can claim the World First title 

  • All six members of the winning fireteam will receive World First title belts 

  • To enforce the Triumph requirements in Challenge Mode, each fireteam will wipe if they fail the success conditions during any encounter 

Also, as an added treat, players who complete the Contest Mode of Crota’s End and acquire the “Bottomless Pit” quest from the raid vendor within the first 48 hours will automatically complete the quest and receive all related rewards, including instant acquisition of the Necrochasm Exotic Auto Rifle. This quest will also become available for everyone who finishes the Crota’s End raid after the 48-hour period, where players can complete additional steps to earn Necrochasm. 

Guardians who earn the Swordbearer title or finish the raid before the deadlines detailed below can unlock collectible raid-themed items for purchase through Bungie Rewards. 

  • Raid ring – September 12 

  • Raid pin – November 28 

  • Raid poster – November 28 

  • Swordbearer title pin – November 28 

In case you missed it, the new Destiny 2 Season, Season of the Witch, is available now. Guardians will work with Eris Morn to attempt to resurrect Savathûn who holds the key to entering the portal opened by the Witness. Players will embrace Hive magic and compete in Seasonal activities to earn cards for their Deck of Whispers, a new method of player progression in Season of the Witch. 

Destiny 2: The Final Shape, the conclusion to the Light and Darkness saga, was recently revealed and will launch on February 27, 2024. In The Final Shape, players will embark on a journey into the heart of the Traveler and finally confront the Witness alongside their Vanguard companions. The time is almost here to rally all Guardians to a new destination called The Pale Heart, master new Super abilities and Aspects, collect new weapon subfamilies, confront a new enemy type, and more. 

Pre-orders for Destiny 2: The Final Shape are available now, and those that pre-order the Annual Pass version will instantly receive the Tessellation Exotic Fusion Rifle, Exotic emote, Exotic Ghost, and expansion emblem. Also, The Witch Queen expansion is currently available for PlayStation Plus Extra and PlayStation Plus Premium members and is discounted alongside additional Destiny 2 content on all platforms until September 5. 

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For more information, please contact:
Isabell Rydén
+46 730739619

Mi5 Communications | Stigbergsliden 5 | 414 63 Gothenburg | Sweden 






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