PRESS RELEASE 2024-06-10

Latest on Secret Mode’s Parcel Corps & DEATHSPRINT 66, plus recently unveiled Critter Café

Over the past few days, Secret Mode shared news and assets for Parcel Corps and DEATHSPRINT 66, and revealed an all-new title – Critter Café. Find more information, trailers, and the full announcements for each game below.

Parcel Corps
Skid onto the sun kissed streets of New Island, where three bicycle courier corporations are vying to become the biggest, most profitable business in town! Pick a side then lock handlebars forming two-wheeled rivalries in pursuit of market share, influence, and a modest income.

Watch the Parcel Corps | Release Date Trailer Here
Download Press Release

Welcome to The Deadliest Show on Earth.

In the year 2066, the Bachman Media Network is yet again, set to dominate the world of brutal entertainment with the latest series of their headline show. DEATHSPRINT 66 sees challengers take on the role of a Clone Jockey with an endless supply of clones at their disposal to compete in the visceral velocity of DEATHSPRINT.

Watch the DEATHSPRINT 66 | Gameplay Reveal Trailer Here
Download Press Release

Critter Café
Welcome to your new café – shared with some fantastical friends! When a mysterious portal in your new home reveals a long-lost Critter stuck within, set out to rescue every unique Critter and build a welcoming café for townsfolk and Critters alike.

Watch the Critter Café | Announcement Trailer Here
Download Press Release

For more information, please contact:
Albin Sandberg

Mi5 Communications | Stigbergsliden 5 | 414 63 Gothenburg | Sweden 






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